Balancing SEO & UX: What You Need to Know

September 5, 2021

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Ever heard of SXO or Search Experience Optimization? 


The intersection of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and UX (User eXperience), SXO is among the emerging trends in the digital marketing world, attracting attention from professionals eager to improve their positioning in search engine results. It is based on artificial intelligence, which allows the search engine to better understand the search intentions of human users. It enriches the relevance of Google results.

Led by web giants like Google, it revolutionizes the rules of search engine positioning by putting users at the center of attention. Measured through three new performance indicators known as Core Web Vitals, these criteria aim to encourage website owners to improve the UX offered to users.




1/ LCP or Largest Contentful Paint 


is an indicator that allows you to measure the loading speed of a website's pages. Essentially, it measures the time it takes to display the heaviest element and therefore for the page to appear. 

Beyond 2.5 seconds, this indicator is considered mediocre and in need of improvement, leading to negative consequences for your natural referencing. If the algorithm includes this indicator to determine a site's ranking, there is a good reason. 50% of mobile users do not bother to complete their search if LCP exceeds 5 seconds. 


2/ FID or First Input Delay


is an indicator measuring page interactivity and therefore the response time of a website when a user clicks on a button, link, or menu item. The web giant considers an FID of more than 100 milliseconds detrimental to the user experience, directly impacting the conversion rate. 


3/ CLS or Cumulative Layout Shift 


is a KPI that checks the visual stability of a page during loading and therefore inappropriate layout changes during the loading phase. This is why each site is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 1 by Google's robots. The ideal range (0-0.1) is considered optimal. 


What are the key elements of an SXO strategy? 


  1. Enhance the appearance of your website
  2. Optimize navigation on your website by structuring it
  3. Improve the loading speed of your site
  4. Adapt your website for mobile navigation
  5. Polish your title tags and meta descriptions
  6. Create quality and optimized content
  7. Implement a netlinking strategy
  8. Integrate Call-to-action
  9. Analyze your performance via KPIs 


Google clearly states that sites promoting a smooth user experience are most likely to appear at the top of search engine listings. Thus, the three Core Web Vitals mentioned above become indicators not to be ignored for any brand seeking to stand out. 


Ready to improve your ranking by enhancing your user experience? Contact us now: 


Want to test your website? 

Nothing could be simpler. Google provides you with a user-friendly analytical tool: 

Page Speed Insights by Google :


Article written by:  ZIAD R. Nesrine 

Strategy & Marketing Manager at Leancubator - ASC


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