Startup 10: Empowering Green & Blue Start-ups

April 18, 2024

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Startup10 is a program funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and deployed by CIHEAM Bari. It focuses on enhancing entrepreneurial skills in the green and blue economy sectors.

The program, titled "EMPOWERING ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS IN GREEN & BLUE ECONOMY IN MED AND AFRICA REGION," aims to promote food security, economic growth, and youth employment in the Mediterranean and African regions, including Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Uganda.

Additionally, it aims to:

Strengthen the capacities of incubators through a training of trainers (TOT) program to support the development of local start-ups.
Promote collaboration between local start-ups and Italian SMEs to encourage innovation and the development of sustainable solutions.
Consolidate at least 140 start-ups in the Mediterranean region that operate in the agri-food, blue economy, and green economy sectors to foster their growth and impact.
The Startup 10 program collaborates with 22 incubators in the 10 partner countries of Italian cooperation. Leancubator is the partner incubator representing Algeria, under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups, and Micro-enterprises.

The program will run for a total of two years, from identifying the most promising startups in Algeria to a six-month incubation program for 7 selected startups.

The finalist startups will present their projects at a local event and try to impress a jury of national and international experts. The winning startup will receive a grant of 5,000 euros to cover the purchase of equipment, services, support, training, etc., and will have the opportunity to join the community of Italian companies and benefit from a 3-month open innovation program in collaboration with one of them.


For more information on participation requirements and program benefits, visit:


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#Entrepreneurship #Startup10 #Sustainability #GreenEconomy #BlueEconomy #Startup #Algérie #Italie